Muraykeeper is an organization located 50 KM away from Kisumu City, Kenya, in the small town of Awasi. Established in 2015, it has since morphed into an independent and duly registered as Muraykeeper in 2020. It is domiciled in a nationally classified hardship area of Awasi. It is riddled with a lack of resources, massive poverty, child labour, unemployment, crime, orphanage, HIV/AIDS, teenage pregnancy, and unavailable social amenities. In light of these, Muraykeeper seeks to offer alternate solutions.
The organization has a successful track record on the sports and educational front. It is against this backdrop of societal issues that Muraykeeper operates to help alleviate the social problems endemic to the town and, by extension, the Republic. Key focus areas include sports, mentorship, and educational scholarships. Muraykeeper's primary focus includes, but is not limited to, using sports to improve the welfare of at-risk children and orphans, imparting life skills, talent development, and recreation away from vices such as crime and drug abuse. In addition to this, it collaborates with learning institutions and donors to secure scholarships for talented children from poor backgrounds and orphans.
Salvador Muray
Salvador Muray and his family are the architects of MurayKeeper Foundation. Residing in a small town outside of Barcelona, both of Salvador's sons are active goalkeepers. Seeing the enormous benefits that soccer brings to the community, they wanted to help the children in Awasi, Kenya through a common love of the game.
"We, as a family, have concluded that football provides values that help us raise children in a healthier environment, taking time for something they love and giving them well-being. Sport is also education. With this idea, we created Muraykeeper Foundation to be able to help the children of Awasi, Kenya, children without resources who need support from our little piece of the world."
Dennis Bosingwa
Dennis Bosingwa co-founded MurayKeeper Foundation. An avid soccer goalkeeper himself, Dennis lives in Awasi, Kenya, and runs the day-to-day operations of the Foundation, including much of the coaching in their youth soccer academy. He resides in Awasi, Kenya. In addition, he takes care of 6 local orphans and works tirelessly to support the numerous children enrolled in the Foundation's programs.
"I'm a goalkeeper. Always the strength of a goalkeeper is to oversee, the first coach in the field, to encourage others, to correct, to face and accept challenges, a role model in the field, and the first person to celebrate the victory. This is my drive to make a positive change in my community."
Canadian Partners
MurayKeeper has enjoyed an incredible partnership with TSS Football Club and Vancouver Football Club from Vancouver, Canada since 2021. The partnership is evident from various football equipment and clothing donations received by MurayKeeper over the years from them. However, the partnership went a notch further in their vote of confidence in MurayKeeper through funding of MurayKeeper’s acquisition of a 2 ½ Acre parcel in Awasi for community use. In addition to this, they have since overseen the development of the playing surface and continue to collaborate in the attainment of MurayKeeper’s vision. Also, they are actively involved in the execution of the project