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As one of the only dedicated orphan charities in the Awasi, MurayKeeper Foundation is working towards creating a better world, not just for our orphans, but for the entire community. Our core mission is to work towards a world where everyone gets the help and respect they deserve. From the orphan children who are neglected, to the widowed women who have lost their rights,  we believe in a world where loving environments are the norm and everyone lives a happier and healthier life.

Through your financial support, our Foundation has 4 objectives:



Support orphans in their personal development, helping them learn new skills and improve their professional prospects for the future


Provide relief from hunger and the stress that comes with it, enabling recent widows to focus on finding income to support their families


Help existing orphanage owners through grants to improve the standard of accommodation and living for the orphans in their care


Offer access and funding for medical care and treatment for those that don’t have the means to afford it

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