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The MurayKeeper Foundation helps many children through its soccer programs. Co-Founder Dennis Bosingwa is instrumental is running training programs and teams in Awasi and the surrounding areas. Known as the Rovers Football Academy, the program gives young players a sense of belonging, and teaches them valuable life skills through the game.  


Founded on the core values of Honesty, Respect, Discipline, Integrity, Fun and Innovation,  the Rovers Football Academy has been created to make a difference in the lives of these young Kenyans, challenging the traditional concepts and approaches of young people’s experience in football. Through a relentless passion for football teaching, the Academy strives to inspire each child to be successful players and people. It is the Academy’s desire to develop intelligent, confident young people in a professional and exciting atmosphere, giving them the skills to rise to challenges and go on to seek greater aspirations in their lives.  

Skill Development

The key to skill development is in the specifics of the teaching methods. This is what makes the difference for young players. At the Academy, technique is taught using maximum touches and repetitions of game-like situational exercises. Technical training will occur the first 30-40 minutes of each practice and will usually have a ball to player ratio of 1:1 or 1:2. This also incorporates psychomotor development that provides movement, education and/or coordination training.

Small group tactics and the principles of attacking and defending are taught through active participation and by the concept of the Game Is The Teacher. The coach instructions are short, direct and inclusive. An ounce of words, a ton of practice.



Donated Equipment

Salvador Muray and his family are the architects of MurayKeeper Foundation. Residing in a small town outside of Barcelona, both of Salvador's sons are active goalkeepers. Seeing the enormous benefits that soccer brings to the community, they wanted to help the children in Awasi, Kenya through a common love of the game.

"We, as a family, have concluded that football provides values​​ that help us raise children in a healthier environment, taking time for something they love and giving them well-being. Sport is also education. With this idea, we created Muraykeeper Foundation to be able to help the children of Awasi, Kenya, children without resources who need support from our little piece of the world."


A soccer club in Vancouver, Canada donated over 150 soccer boots to the Foundation

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